College of Mathematics and Physics union organized spring walking activities


 In order to enrich the extracurricular life and enhance the awareness of fitness exercise, the union of the College of Mathematics and Physics organized the spring walking activities in the East campus and Changping Campus on April 19. More than 100 teachers participated in this activity.

 On the day of the event, the spring breeze was gentled and the temperature was suitable. The campus is full of vigor and vitality, and the teachers of the College of Mathematics and Physics actively participate in the walking activities. In the East campus, the teachers work together on the playground, share the interesting things encountered in life, discuss the experience of work, laughter with the spring breeze wafted to every corner of the playground. In Changping Campus, teachers came to Yuping Mountain to enjoy the spring scenery of the campus. Along the way, everyone is in high spirits, adding a beautiful scenery to the campus.

 Through this walking activity, the teachers not only enjoyed the spring scenery of the campus and enhanced the communication between each other, but also created a more positive working atmosphere and enhanced the cohesion of the college.