College of Mathematics and Physics held the spring semester faculty meeting


On March 15, the College of Mathematics and Physics held the 2024 Spring Semester faculty meeting and the mobilization meeting of Education and teaching Audit and Evaluation on the Changping campus. President Wang Wei, vice President Lin Chengyou and Su Guifu, and more than 100 faculties of the college attended the meeting.

Wang Lijun conveyed the main work arrangement of the school in 2024, and made specific deployment of the new semester work of the College Party committee. He said that the college should anchor development goals, resolutely implement major decisions and deployments of the school, and actively contribute to the overall development of the school.

Wang Wei comprehensively summarized the overall situation of the college's work in 2023. He made a comprehensive deployment of the work of the College in 2024 from the aspects of talent training, teaching, scientific research, teacher team construction, and international exchanges, hoping that all the faculty of the college could concentrate on promoting the high-quality development of the college.

Su Guifu introduced the new round of undergraduate education teaching audit and evaluation work. He deployed and mobilized the evaluation work of the college, requiring all faculty to be fully prepared to meet the evaluation work.

In the new semester, all the faculty of the College will bear in mind the fundamental tasks, explore and innovate in teaching, persevere in scientific research, and strive to contribute to the development of the college.